Feb 11

Chocolate Recipe? Valentines day gift…??

For all of my friends, i’m going to give them a chocolate heart on a stick with red sprinkles, for VALENTINES DAY! Does anyone know some good homemade chocolate recipes? Please no dark chocolate, just plain everyday regular chocolate.

get some heart molds, melt some Hershey’s chocolate chips over a double boiler and pour into the molds, insert stick, sprinkle them, put in fridge to harden! 🙂

valentines recipes 3 Comments


  1. Posted by Lacey 11th February, 2010 at 10:08 pm

    get some heart molds, melt some Hershey’s chocolate chips over a double boiler and pour into the molds, insert stick, sprinkle them, put in fridge to harden! 🙂
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  2. Posted by leif_66_13 11th February, 2010 at 10:35 pm

    If you go to a craft store like Hobby Lobby, or Michael’s or something like that (Wal-Mart may even have it, I don’t know) there are these large chocolate chip looking things called "Candy Melts" that come in all kinds of colors and flavors. Get a bag or two depending on how many friends you have, a heart shaped candy mold, and lollypop sticks (all this should be right there with the candy melts). Follow the directions on the package of candy melts for melting, molding, and cooling instructions.
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  3. Posted by Chrissy 11th February, 2010 at 10:49 pm

    5 pounds of onions, 32 pounds or butter, 59 pounds of tabasco sause, and 89 pounds of of raw meat that is 22 years old.
    References :

What do you think?